Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lynbrook Village Mayor and Board ( until April 6 )

Mayor Brian Curran
Mayor Brian Curran was elected Mayor in March of 2007. Mayor Curran grew up in Lynbrook and graduated from St. Agnes High School in 1986. In 1990 he graduated from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania with degrees in history and political science, and he earned a law degree in 1994 at the City University of New York. After a stint as a legislative counsel in the New York State Assembly, he entered private practice in 2001. He and his wife, Rosemarie Ciaccio-Curran, have three children, Isabella, Jake, and Riley.
Mayor Curran is Village Liaison to the following departments and/or committees:
Chamber of Commerce
Multi-media TV & Video
Senior Citizen Committee

Trustee William J. Hendrick SOUTHEAST
Mr. William J. Hendrick has been a Village Trustee during 1989 - 1993 and 1995 to the present. Mr. Hendrick is a practicing attorney. He has lived on Scranton Avenue for 30 years and has two sons, Billy and Johnny. He is a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the Elks and the Knights of Columbus. He is also the committee chairman of the Lynbrook Expo.
Trustee Hendrick is Village Liaison to the following departments and/or committees:
Business Improvement District
Emergency Management Office
Fire Department
Police Department
Celebrations Chairman
Southeast Quadrant Liaison

Trustee Alan C. Beach NORTHWEST
Trustee Alan Beach was elected to the village board in March of 2007. Alan has lived in Lynbrook for 23 years and is a retired New York City firefighter. He has been married for 27 years and has two sons, Alan and Greg. He was a founding member of the Lynbrook Excellence in Education Foundation.
Trustee Beach is Liason to the following departments and/or committees:
Ethics Committee
Long Island Railroad
Parking Committee
Recreation Dept.
Quadrant - Northwest

Trustee Richard J. Clifford NORTHEAST
Trustee Richard J. Clifford is serving his first term (4years) as Village Trustee. He was elected in March 2005 and sworn in on April 4, 2005.
Trustee Clifford is Village Liaison to the following departments and/or committees:
Department of Public Works
Business Improvement District
Northeast Quadrant Liaison

Trustee David H. Penso SOUTHEAST
Trustee David H. Penso is serving his first term (4 years) as Village Trustee.
He was elected in March 2005 and sworn in on April 4, 2005.
Trustee Penso is Village Liaison to the following departments and/or committees:
Building/Assessing Departments
Long Island Railroad/MTA
Parking Committee, Co-Chair
Southeast Quadrant Liaison

Trustee William J. Hendrick SOUTHEAST
Trustee Alan C. Beach NORTHWEST
Trustee Richard J. Clifford NORTHEAST
Trustee David H. Penso SOUTHEAST

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